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"Avengers Disassemble" - (Super Hero)​
"Rags to Riches" - (Golden Age of Hollywood, 1940s)
"The Parseltongue Parlay" / "Yule Ball" - (Wizarding)
"A Song of Fire, Ice... and Murder" - (Medieval Fantasy)
"The Great Ghastly" - (1920's Speakeasy)
"Dungeons, Dragons, and Death" - (Fantasy RPG)
"Slay" - (Vampire)
"One Card Short" - (Deck of Cards)
"The Roseblood Motel" - (Small Town Misfortune)
"Cursed" - (Egyptian Gods and Goddesses)
"Studio 54: Dressed to Kill" - (70's Era)
"Deadly in Pink" - (80's Era)
"Can't Hardly Wait... To Die" - (90's Era)
"The One with ALL THE MURDER" - (Sitcom)
"The Real Housewives of Happily Ever After" - (Fairytale Royalty)***NSFW***
"Your Princess is in Another Castle" - (Video Game)
"Class is Cancelled" - (Anime / MHA)
"A Murder Before Christmas" - (Goth Whimsy)
"Murder at Moe's Tavern" - (Cartoons)
"Malice in Wonderland" - (Dark Alice in Wonderland)
"Welcome to the Jungle" - (Blockbuster Movie Characters Trapped in a Jungle Themed Board Game)
"Murder & Lyrics" - (Early 2000's Grammys After Party"
"Finding Tinker Bell" - (Fairies, Lost Boys, and Pirates)***KID FRIENDLY: ages 3 - 7**
"Scooby Dooby Doo - Is The Killer You?"
"Killer in the Kingdom" - (ALA theme)
"Nursery Crimes" - (Nursery Rhyme Characters with a dark twist)
"Do Or Do Not, There Is No Die" - (Takes place in a galaxy far, far away...)
"In the Dining Room with the Candlestick" - (Classic Clue theme)
"Villains Masquerade" - (Villains of the past and present, both real and not, attend a doomed ball..."
"Steampunk Slaughter" - (H.G Wells theme)
"I Know What You Did This Summer" - (80's Summer Camp)
"Death On Mount Olympus" - Greek Gods Theme
"Drag Queen Decimation" - Drag Queen Theme
"Bah Humbug" - Muppets Theme
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